Our eyes are closed as we feels your love,
基於最真誠既支持 我哋變得熱血
一個唔吾只靠我哋 去實踐既目標...還有你
圈子慢慢擴大 信念日漸擴散...基於呢個每一個奮鬥的心
We feel your faith.
We feel your beliefin everything...we say, we do.
We feel you cry,
as you sit in your room and read our words,
for the very first,
very first time.
我們的血 你們的淚
我們的心 你們的生命
Just received another e-mail...
You wrote about the strength we give you...
To face your lonely world alone...
But your world is our world so you're not alone.
As I write these words on this piece of paper,
I want you to know that our hearts are powered
by your love,
by your friendship
and by your thoughis.
When you take time to read our words,
you are entering our lives.
This song is dedicated to you...
for letting us become a part of your lives.
我地 - 唔會 - 令你 - 失望