我不是呼之则来 脑袋又没有撞坏
你不用装模作样 一口一口吞吐烟圈
怎样算才最划算 一人一巴掌拉倒何必要吞吞吐吐
一串一串接着一串 说什么你不知道
(You Doesn't Make Sense) 是不是有点无聊
好像我塞给你要 你无可奈何被逼要逃
我终于看穿了爱情它不就像点根烟 随手放在嘴边
(It Doesn't Really Matter)
层层叠叠的烟圈 弥漫眼前 (弥漫在眼前)
最多薰红了眼 早一点看穿了爱情它不就像抽根烟
用来解闷消遣 (So Let's Just Fall In Love)
大不了烫到了指尖 随手甩路边 管它誓不誓言
Rap: I've got it. Love is just like to have a cigarette.
Light one while you bored or feel so sad,
a good thing you bare no more shit on head,
harms a little bit but make you feel on bad,
addicted to it once you take the first breathe.,
no matter how it's easy to get in hand,
chop the butt away but still not yet,
yeah… … light a new one feel more fresh