Force these hands...
to play another worthless song
as i carve my insides out...
A nameless face
with unrealistic dreams...
chained to these homeless streets.
贫穷角落 生命里没有机会 更要挣扎求存
远比起我哋嘅丰足生活 更要失落无望
With shattered hands he
strums his tuneless srings.
And you can try and ignore his plight
by living your life...
停一停想一想我地既生活 总算幸运
理应更积极 尝试将生活里负面角度 抛诸脑后
尝试将 生活里 负面角度 抛诸脑后...
When the rain falls...
despair may set in...
force yourself to step back...
clear vision is what you need.
天空仍然一样 在乎我地去思想